Manual de Sabores de Frutas y Verduras / Handbook of Fruit and Vegetable Flavors


1. Fruit flavors: biology, chemistry,and physiochemistry
2. Fruit flavors: biotechnology
3. Fruit flavors: analytic methodology and chemical characterizations
4. Flavors for fruit commodities
5. Flavors of selected dried fruits
6. Vegetable flavors: biology, chemistry, physiochemistry, and biotechnology
7. Vegetable commodities
8. Other vegetables and vegetable products

Autor: Y.H. Hui

Manual de Sabores de Frutas y Verduras / Handbook of Fruit and Vegetable Flavors Manual de Sabores de Frutas y Verduras / Handbook of Fruit and Vegetable Flavors Reviewed by Agroindustrial Engineer on 8:22 p.m. Rating: 5

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